Product Updates

No-Audio Playtests: Validate at Scale!

Written by PlaytestCloud Team | March 4, 2025 at 2:24 PM
Our players are trained and vetted to think aloud while they play. But sometimes there's no need for audio.
Maybe you're hoping to gather a lot of data at scale, add a bit of visual context to survey results, or just need to quickly check a segment of gameplay to validate an assumption. 
Whatever the use case, we've added no-audio playtests on the platform as a self-service option for Single-Session, Multi-Session and Longitudinal Playtests.

A few No-Audio Playtest facts:

  • No-audio playtests can be ordered starting at 10 players (they're ideal for playtesting at scale!)

  • Not available for Playtests with Kids

  • Results from no-audio playtests won't use AI analysis (since there's no audio, there's no transcript)

  • Ordering a no-audio playtest reduces the cost per player by 25%

There will always be tremendous value in player feedback, and the insights from audio are of course critical. But if you've already gathered those insights, your usability issues are fixed, or you already know what's wrong and just need to confirm if an issue impacts a larger audience, try a no-audio playtest.

If you need a lot of data very quickly at a reduced cost, no-audio playtests are for you!