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Moderated update: call lobby & in-game audio

PlaytestCloud Team
by PlaytestCloud Team
October 12, 2023 at 5:30 AM

We have introduced two new features for interviews and moderated playtests:

Video call lobby for players

Players now need to be admitted to an interview/live playtest by the interviewer. When a player has joined the lobby, the interviewer will see a banner notification in the video call to admit the player to the interview. All interviewers including those in observer mode can admit a player to the call. Note: If the player has to leave and rejoin for any reason, they will need to be admitted again and will not automatically rejoin the interview.

In-game audio during player screenshare

While the player is sharing their screen, they can now also share their device audio. During the interview/live playtest you can ask the player to turn on this feature after they start screensharing and you will be able to hear the in-game audio alongwith viewing their screen.

PlaytestCloud Team
Post by PlaytestCloud Team
October 12, 2023 at 5:30 AM
We're PlaytestCloud and we help game studios gather feedback from their target players and make more successful games. Thanks for reading!