We’ve all been there: you get your PlaytestCloud videos back, and as you start to watch players move through your game…all you can say is: huh? Often these scenarios will leave us burning with more questions that we want to ask players, but aren’t sure when…or even how!
Actually, it's a little known fact that PlaytestCloud provides a way to get additional answers from the players who test your games. So, if you want to ask a player a follow-up question, it's possible to ask them directly with the Ask the player more questions button in the player tab of the video player.
Here is how it works in 3 easy steps
- Click on the Ask the player more questions button in the player tab of the video player.
- Ask as many questions as you'd like.
- Once you're satisfied with your questions, click Send question.
What happens now?
The player who tested your game will receive your questions via email. Once they reply to your questions, you will be notified via email, at which point you can view your questions and the answers from the player below the video player. There is no limit to the number of questions you can ask, but there is a time limit of 28 days after which the option to ask players more questions will disappear. Because who can remember specific details about an event 28 days ago… So ask those follow up questions quickly. The clock is running…
What questions are off-limits for players?
All communication between players and game studios is monitored and under our terms and conditions. We not only want to protect the privacy of the players but also the privacy of you and your intellectual property. Therefore, we do have access to all the messages you send and receive to ensure that the following rules are maintained:
- DO NOT invite players to communicate or engage off-platform (no Discord invites, sorry!)
- DO NOT ask revealing or critical personal information
- DO NOT discuss or offer additional rewards or payment
- DO remain on the topic of the playtest
- DO remain compliant with GDPR and COPPA
- DO remain clear of sensitive data such as race, politics, religion, health, sexual orientation and more.
Retest with the same players
Still not satisfied with the answers you are getting in your correspondence with players? Well no need to fear you can always make adjustments to your game and then retest with the same players. Now we can not guarantee that all players will participate in your playtest rerun. But we will work with you to find a solution to whatever custom scenario or needs you may have. If this is something you would like to pursue, let us know using this form and we will get back to you with a plan of action.
Asking follow-up questions is a great way to get the playtest facts straight and to better understand why players are playing how they play. Let this be a sign that you should give follow-up questions a try during your next playtest with PlaytestCloud!
PlaytestsJan 25, 2023 6:00:00 AM